Consultant Development Training Programme on
Resource Efficiency & Cleaner Production – 2024
According to UNIDO Methodology
Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) is a proactive, systematic, and integrated approach designed to enhance resource efficiency, minimize environmental pollution, and support sustainable industrial growth. It can be applied to optimize any industrial process, product, or service, focusing on sustainable practices that avoid the need for costly end-of-pipe treatments for materials, chemicals, and water.
By implementing RECP practices, industries can achieve both profitability and environmental sustainability. The RECP tool helps identify inefficiencies in processes, offering solutions for mindful resource use and waste minimization. It also fosters innovation, turning waste into profitable opportunities. Over time, industries have recognized the value of this tool, not only for boosting profits but also for reinforcing their commitment to sustainability. Moreover, trained RECP technologists can uncover additional opportunities to enhance sustainability within the company.
Role of NCPC, Sri Lanka in RECP activities in last decades
The National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) Sri Lanka was established in 2002 by UNIDO under the Ministry of Industries to promote the concept of cleaner production. As part of a global network of cleaner production centers, NCPC Sri Lanka has been dedicated to fostering Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in industries for over two decades. Throughout its 22-year journey, the center has gained extensive experience, turning RECP applications into success stories through the dedication, expertise, and effective implementation skills of its staff.
Over this period, NCPC Sri Lanka has successfully completed more than 400 RECP assessments. Since 2016 alone, the center has played a crucial role in helping industries save over 68,880 GJ of energy, 87,903 cubic meters of water, and reduce carbon emissions by 4,027 tCO2eq. Beyond its national contributions, NCPC Sri Lanka has extended its RECP consultation services to organizations in Pakistan and Bangladesh, further enhancing its reputation and expertise across the region. Considering all the evidences, it is important for all individuals who are interested in RECP to gain knowledge and practical experiences from the one and only matured sector expertise none other than NCPC, Sri Lanka.
- To develop capacity in individuals on the practical application of Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) with the aid of experience of Sri Lankan and international experts and live examples.
- To develop the capacity in individuals to conduct comprehensive Cleaner Production Assessments.
- Enterprises can develop the organizational capacity by training their personnel to use CP as a tool to conduct comprehensive CP assessments in respective organizations in a cost-effective manner.
This course is designed as a hybrid programme to achieve the successful dissemination of knowledge. This is a five days programme with,
- One-day online session
- Three-days classroom sessions
- Feasibility Evaluation of RECP solutions and costing
- One-day Industrial Assessment
Course Content
Introduction to the concept of Cleaner Production and UNIDO Cleaner Production Assessment Methodology.
Step 01: Getting started a Cleaner Production Assessment
Step 02: Analyzing Process Steps (a) Qualitative Analysis (b) Quantification of resource flows – Data Collection, in-situ measurements, material balance (c) Evaluation of total loss of economic wastes (d) Assessing Cleaner Production Energy Efficiency Assessment
Step 03: Generation of CP options (a) Waste causes & CP Techniques (b) Brainstorming as a technique for Cause analysis and CP Options generation
Step 04: Selecting CP Options Screening and Feasibility analysis of CP options
Step 05, 06: Implementation and Sustaining CP Industry Visit Report preparation and Presentation Practical experience in RECP implementation – material, water, and energy management (with more than 20 examples for each)
Practical Component Performance of the participants will be evaluated continuously with attendance and assignments.
Performance Evaluation The practical component of the programme consists of one-day site visit to the given industry.
Certificate A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.
Fulfillment of a requirement of ISO 17024:2012 NCPC, Sri Lanka operates a Certification Scheme for certifying persons under ISO/IEC 17024 Standard – General Requirements for operating Certification Systems of Persons. To certifying persons under ISO/IEC 17024 Standard as Consultant in Cleaner Production one of the requirements is to follow a comprehensive cleaner production consulting training. This Consultant Development Training Programme will provide you a great opportunity to partially fulfill the requirements of certifying persons under ISO/IEC 17024 Standard as Consultant in Cleaner Production.
- Production, maintenance, and sustainability team members of industrial and service organizations
- Academic and Research professionals
- Public sector officials supporting industrial and environmental developments
How to enroll?
Total fee
The fee per participant inclusive of course materials, industry visit, meals & refreshments is given below. (Excluding taxes, VAT @ 18% & SSCL @ 2.5%)
Application Form
If you find this training programme is useful to train the personnel in your organization, kindly confirm your participation by enrolling yourself through the registration button found below!
For more information kindly contact Ms. Madhubhashani Weerasinghe